Thursday, 27 May 2010

Gerry Olds Trio

Gerry Old Trio. Here Goes.

More obscure, privately pressed, left field business out of San Francisco. An album providing 2 completely different sides to Gerry Olds talents. There's the mainstream accoustic trio tracks, such as a lovely version of Gershwin's Summertime. Then there's the more avant garde, electronic side of things offered here, with 4/3 + 1. (Credited to Gerry Olds and the San Francisco Tape Music Center) The whole album is a treasure from start to finish. Gerry is accompanied by bassist Tom Beeson and Drummer Lee Charlton. The artwork is Jack Chevalier.

Highly Recomended



    medifire still fucked

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  3. Yeah katonah I agree with mr. The Public you mean cunt...

    Oh and while youre at it id like all the art scanned at hi res and two diiferent versions

    1. An mp3 at 320 for my ipod

    2. A lossless flac version for my pc home cinema (ive invested quite a bit of cash in that)

    can you rinse the record and get all the pops hiss and crackles out as they just spoil the whole listening experience. Its the 21st century everything should sound like cd these days. I wouls suggest you use logic audio with waves diamond plugins that should do the job nicley.

    Oh and one more thing. Please tag all the files properely. Nothing i say nothing houdes me more when bloggers dont do that... Its a shit arse lazy thing to do.

    You know if youre gonna do a job you may as well do it properly. There really is no excuse for it other than pure idleness!!!! And i might add you are one of the fucking worst for it... I mean if i run a blog... Sheez id show you how its done right! Ok Rant over!

    Thanks very much in advance...

    Love your work BTW! keep it up with the above suggestions obviously from now on. Then youd have the best blog on teh interwebs :)

    Am off from this shithole now to bacosos now hes good, take a leaf out of his book -- True musical head!

  4. MrPublic and Blackcunticle:
    When I read Private press as a blog title I thought "Thank god a considerate blogger somewhat akin to our lord jesus h christ who is leading us thru this musical journey of life by distributing to each of us ,the followers of our lord katonah, our own unique privately pressed vinyl album complete with japanese style fascimiled sleeve replicating each post he makes on his blessed blog"
    But no ...instead we get some tight arsed bastard who can only be bothered to rip one tune and then in poxy mp3 format.
    Where's your compassion,your humanity,your kindness,your private pressing plant knocking out 100 pieces of 180g vinyl an hour?
    Some fucking people eh?

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. At least I kept my comments free of any profanities re that strata 7 fruitcake, poor old Mr Public give him another track to play with, bet you don't even own this album ;)

  7. Yeah he got it off soul seek reza i heard...

    Mr Public's got a bit touchy. thinks i was getting at him... I wasn't i was just demanding my rights as a collector of bytes!!!!


  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. hey you keep comin back? LOL!

    So seeing its about the musics its not that hard to find:

    if you want it bad as you say you do then just ask and you might get, everything has its price?!?


    is it that that you really wanted someone to upload and get for free?!? If you is serious youd put your money where your mouth is ;)

    Hope that helps you, cheers

    Possibly :)

  10. @katonah Always found this album pretty schizophrenic with its really nice trio tracks on the one side and those experimental ones using a pre-composed electronic tape and being Olds' interpretation of free jazz as he says in the liner notes.
    Btw "Early Morning" is a bit distorted in the beginning, at least on my vinyl - do you have the same prob?

    @The Public Here's a proposal. I contributed the 2 Summertime-tracks to E-Mile's blog:

    "Gerry's Samba" was on a compilation called Off Track. I'm pretty sure it's available somewhere in blogland, if not iTunes, Amazon & Co. gonna have it. Thus you would already have half the album...

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  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. @Public it is a free music blog and a free discussion, like many other blogs though, some just choose to offer single tracks and thats all just to give a taster, respect

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  16. why publish only one track???
    i have been looking out for this recording for all me life. can't you can't you can't you can't you can't you can't you can't you can't you post the whole thing?

    yours, Joe Soap

    Actually, all this banter back and 4th is getting a bit olds, isn't it... thanks katonah — for the entertainment (the share too!)

  17. @Public , quite take your point, just shows how mmuch bloggers pay for albums and then give them away for free eh, reckon we'll have to do with just a taster for now, no prob

  18. @Public 28 May 2010 09:31
    Comment deleted

    This post has been removed by the author.

    "first of all thanks arkadin, i really appreciate it.
    and as for blackclassical, someone certainly has an high opinion on himself, or don't you?
    wow, you're so clever with all the 'ambivalent' remarks.
    last i checked this was a free music blog and not an online store, 'or is it?' oh you probably came here just to look and do not touch "

    if you want a discussion then please have the balls to stand by your remarks...

    "well, i want to hear it, but not this -

    LOL!!!! Thought as much...

    Look Public, Katonah, Reza, Arkadin Bacoso are all friends in the real world, just having a laugh however it seems your suffering from a humour bypass. I suggest you need take your own good advice and what was it? Oh yeah "just chill the fuck out."

  19. Looking forward to hearing, thanks Katonah, dammit missed half the fight :)

  20. Had another listen Arkadin, i think got lucky, the Early Morning track runs just fine. (sealed copy and all that!)

  21. @katonah Thanks for replying! Oh, mine was sealed, too - is there a chance we bought it from the same Ebay-guy? If I remember correctly he sold more than one copy.
    Well, it's only the first minute of that track on which the cymbals sound a bit distorted (can't describe it better), but it's not that bad. I was just curious if it's an error of the recording or of my copy. Glad yours is fine :)

  22. (^_^)

    Everything over at my place is private press...FYI.

  23. Loving this, it's feels pretty epic and covers such a vast array of sounds/feelings. Thanks a lot from introducing me to this Trio!

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  25. Katonah - I appreciate the taste you have given me of this record. After listening to this 30 times now, I gotta say, I NEED to here the rest of this. I'm hooked. Any chance of that happening??? Thanks in advance!

    Here's hoping.


  26. seconding my vote for this full album!


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